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Sandbach Food Bank

The Sandbach Food Bank is hosted by Unity Methodist Church and supported by the churches in Sandbach. Our network of volunteers deliver food parcels and sort donations.

Sandbach Food Bank: Join Us

Food Parcels

To get a food parcel delivered, please contact one of these local agencies to request a referral (other local agencies can also refer):

  • Plus Dane (and other housing associations)

  • Cheshire East Social Services

  • The Sandbach Children’s Centre

  • Citizens Advice Bureau

  • NHS (Ashfields)

  • Local primary schools

Agency referrals can be made by email to  Please note referrals cannot be made by telephone.


Food donations: Non-perishable food items and toiletries can be donated at:

  • The Wesley Centre (currently between 2pm and 4pm on Wednesdays or any time you find the centre open);

  • Nationwide Building Society;

  • Co-op on The Hill;

  • One Stop on Price Avenue.

Please make sure all items are well within their best before date.

For the latest news, including any food shortages, please visit our Facebook page.

To make a financial donation, you can make a payment to our Lloyds bank account:

Account name – Sandbach Foodbank

Sort code – 30 99 50

Account number - 55267768

Reference - your name

Please email us to let us know if you would like to GIFTAID your donation.

or visit the charitable giving site (Dona).

Thank you, all donations, however small, are very much appreciated.

  • Facebook

Unity Methodist Church Registered Charity no.  1173520          
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