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Church Altar

Worship - weekly traditional services

8th December - service of Holy Communion led by Rev. Carolyn  Lawrance

15th December - All age carol service at New Horizons, Wheelock. Breakfast available from 9:45am

22nd December - led by Mr. Peter Robertshaw

29th December - Carol praise, led by Mr. Tim Cooke

Special services

Sunday 15th December at 4pm - Contemporary worship at Haslington Methodist Church, with a message from Rev. Neal Street

Sunday 22nd December at 6:30pm - Traditional Candlelit carol service at the Wesley 

Wednesday 25th December at 10:30am - Christmas day service at the Wesley


Our New Horizons premises at Wheelock is the meeting place for the local Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies and Guide groups and we enjoy welcoming them for an all-age service on four Sundays a year. Watch this space or see the weekly newsletter for dates and times.

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